A small-town baseball coach, coveting a state tournament title, puts
his health and marriage in jeopardy to win before WWII takes his players.

Once Upon a Diamond features Coach Willard Cobb (Cobbie) as he challenges his 1940’s small town high school team to win the Iowa state title. Starting in the preseason, with players shoveling snow from the diamond, to rationed gasoline being delivered, Cobbie launches his plan. Under the cover of darkness a match is thrown onto the field. Fire explodes, and the field dries out. Practice can be held. The team’s now well seasoned pitcher puts the David vs. Goliath goal within reach. Coach Cobb ignores his health, pushing himself, his team, and his wife to the limit. Events take an ironic twist, and fate steps in to be the umpire. Once Upon a Diamond is inspired by a true story.